Baptist churches have long held to the idea of local church autonomy, but there has also been a strong sense of community among our churches. Baptists have recognized both the unity of Christ’s body and the advantage of working together with others in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
At Kosmosdale, we also recognize the value of partnering with other believers in the cause of Christ. Therefore, we have joined together with local, state, and national conventions or associations so that we might have an impact for Christ in our community and around the world.
Currently, we are members of these associations or conventions:
Kosmosdale Baptist Church supports Southern Baptist missions endeavors such as the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. We also contribute regularly to the SBC Cooperative Program, and many of our members are students at Boyce College and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.