Staff and Elders
At Kosmosdale, we believe in an elder-led ecclesiology. This word simply means that the weight of leadership at the church is not placed on a single individual but shared equally across several qualified ministers of the gospel. Each elder, or overseer, fulfills the qualifications of office as laid out in Titus and 1 Timothy. Each elder is voted on by the congregation and devotes their service to the church body to further the gospel message. Similarly, deacons serve as the servants of the church. They have been called forth for spiritual service to assist the overseers in the more day-to-day activity and ministry.

Mitch Chase | Elder
In August of 2012, Kosmosdale Baptist Church called Mitch to be our senior pastor. Prior to coming to Kosmosdale, Mitch pastored a church in Texas for several years. He holds degrees from Houston Baptist University (B.A.), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., Th.M.), and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ph.D., Biblical Studies).
Mitch is the author of three books – Behold Our Sovereign God (2012), The Gospel is for Christians, 2nd ed. (2020), and 40 Questions about Typology and Allegory (2020). He also provides the commentary on Daniel for the ESV Expository Commentary, vol. 7 (2018).
Mitch and his wife, Stacie, were married in 2005. They have four children–Jensen, Logan, Owen, and Grayson.
You can read his blog, Soli Deo Gloria.

Mike Senior | Elder
Mike Senior joined Kosmosdale in 1973. He has served our church in a variety of roles, including Sunday School teacher, deacon, song leader, and elder. Mike is actively involved in lay care and visitation activities at our church. He is passionate about seeing the gospel preached, sinners converted, and believers grounded in the truths of God’s Word.
Mike serves Christ alongside his wife Joyce. Mike and Joyce have three grown children and thirteen grandchildren.

Jacob Preece | Elder
Jacob, along with his wife Tracy, joined the church in 2017 and became an elder in late 2020.
He has a degree from Tri-State Bible College (B.A.) and is currently pursuing his MDiv in Biblical Counseling from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He loves leading the church in worship and teaching in various roles. Jacob and Tracy were married in 2014 and have one son, John Douglas.

Chris Tellis | Deacon
Chris Tellis, along with his wife Lorie joined Kosmosdale in 1992. He has served our church in a variety of roles, including Sunday School teacher, deacon, song leader, and treasurer.
Chris also serves our country as a 34 year Air Force veteran and is actively involved in discipleship and a prayer/bible study group with his employer.
He considers himself blessed to be counted among the saints here alongside Lorie, to whom he has been married for 33 years. They also attend with their 15 year old daughter Alyssa and they have three grown children, and seven grandchildren.

Caleb Dye | Deacon
Caleb Dye moved to Louisville with his wife, Caroline, in the fall of 2014 and started attending Kosmosdale at that time.
He became a deacon in the Summer of 2015. Caleb has a degree from Boyce College (B.S.).
He loves to serve at the church, especially working on the grounds and maintenance. Caleb and Caroline have 3 children - Rebekah Jane, John Silas, and Joseph Adrian.